Sunday 20 August 2017

A Foray into game play recording

I fancied trying do some game content creation, I'm currently playing Hearthstone and Player Unknown's Batllegrounds, so I thought I'd start with those.

I found a broadcast system in Open Broadcaster Software and found it really easy to use.

I had created a card deck in Hearthstone to play arena (a game mode). I'd already played two games because I was messing around with the Nvidia in-game experience, but didn't have any success with it.
So I got my webcam set up and found a template overlay so it looked reasonable.

Basically, you start with a blank "page". You drop a picture over lay which as you will see, is just a background with a few black boxes.
There is a larger one, which you overlay the game screen and two smaller ones for webcam and the chat log, if you are live streaming.

As expected, I was terrible. I lost both games, but whilst I was disappointed, it wasn't about that.

After a quick google, I found a few sites which reviewed open source video editing software. The general consensus was that Blender was a really good choice. It wasn't.
The interface looked so complicated and cluttered. I managed to import a video, but couldn't work out how to do anything else. Uninstalled. I then Tried Avidemux as it looked quite simple. It was crap. The interface itself was simple and easy to use, but was severely let down by its output. It's like it removed the audio entirely as well as every other frame.
In my disappointment, I uploaded as is and posted.

Here they are, if you're interested:

Hearthstone: Arena Run Game 3
Hearthstone: Arena Run Game 4

During post-processing, I realised I hadn't set it to record game audio, so its just my voice and the sound of my mouse clicking right now, but the overlay looks cool, even if its not quite wide screen and there is a blank space where the chat live-stream should be.

I would appreciate any comments you might have on suggestions on game play, but I'm really looking for a simple video editor, just so I can crop the beginning and end, I don't really need to do fancy transitions or dumixing at the moment.

As an experiment, I believe it went well and I have learnt a few things. Hopefully the next ones will be better. I'm planning on doing a Player Unknown's Battlegrounds next, it will likely be a little longer, but hopefully a little more interesting.

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