Friday 18 August 2017

First week down

It's Friday, we're live and I'm on the way home...
So that's the first week done.
There's a lot that is still up in the air, but I'm slowly gaining visibility of the problems at least.
There are still a lot of problems, some of which I'm sure I'm still unaware of, but here's a few

  • Progress seems to have ceased with regards to getting the fibre trunks in.
  • Business process seems to be all over the place
  • Developers are doing support
  • Documenting of projects isn't happening
  • Lots of important information is sat in different people's heads
  • Lack of visibility of projects and progress across business units.
I have a meeting next week with my boss to go over other projects that are "in flight".
I've been hearing that phrase banded around a lot this week and I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that it means people have no idea what's happening with it.

I now have proof of concepts running in parallel on my own machine for network monitoring applications, one of which is actually gathering data. I have a laptop and monitor set up on the end of the team pod which shows a dashboard of the data, which at least gives more visibility in my team. This has been noticed in the office and I've noticed some people looking at it. :-)

It has become apparent that my "team" is made up of two teams, IT and fraud. A group of eight of us, becoming nine. With this in mind I have suggested a desk move in order to better seat the two subdepartments so they can communicate easier. I haven't discussed this with my boss, but the teams seem keen.

In addition, there is a large pile of tech "crap" accumulating adjacent to our teams desks, which seems to be stuff people have dumped when no longer required, after four days of looking at it I got a tidy on. UPS' are now stacked together, along with monitors, towers and monitor stands. I also tidied a few cables into a box and threw some boxes out. It made me feel a little happier about our shared workspace.
I've also started talking to people about the idea of getting it off the shop floor altogether. So this is also going to happen on Monday, again, I'm yet to discuss this with my boss.

During regular conversations with my boss (when he's around) he seems fine with me doing stuff generally, so a lot of the stuff mentioned above I'm just doing until someone tells me to stop.

Everyone seems to be dreading Monday for one reason. The project manager for the department Is due back. From what I can tell, no one really likes him. He sounds ranty and micromanaging. I'm told that he is likely to get me to do stuff, so I'm sure that will be an interesting conversation.
I have endeavoured to explain my outwardness to the rest of the team and they seem to be ok with it, but they have said that myself and the other new infrastructure engineer will likely be seen as additional lackey resource to be moved around. This won't be the case.

I have a shit load of reading and information gathering to do at this point and I am under no delusion that next weeks actions will only increase this.

Having said all of this, I'm still looking forward to getting started on Monday morning and see what we can do.

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