Friday 3 May 2019

Keeping Momentum

Here, a new day and a new attempt at keeping momentum going.
After the morning job search, I downloaded the new texture packs for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. I've played the first twenty minutes, which includes the intro and now uploading to YouTube.

I'm probably not doing it justice as I don't have a 4K monitor, but trying to keep a consistent framerate at 1080p is good enough for me.

I've spent some time over the last day or two watching a youtube gamer playing a pre-release version of the third game, so I was keen to get back into the new looter-shooter as I hadn't played a lot of it.
Looking at Steam however, it appears I've played at least 10 hours of it, but if I recall, that was with a squad. I don't remember much about the story line, so it's pretty much like starting a new game, which is always good.

I've already had the internal argument with myself about sitting around playing games while not having a job.
Having had a conversation this morning with a recruitment consultant about some non-I.T. temporary work, for which I am going to register on Tuesday, I decided to forgive myself and just enjoy the game and the long weekend, hopefully starting some paid work next week.
Even if it isn't within my preferred field, it's something that will lighten the burden on my savings.

For now, I will try to stay calm, help out my Wife wherever I can and fit some game play in between.

Saturday looks like the nicest day over the weekend weather-wise, so it might be nice to take Max the dog for a longer walk. There has also been some discussion of meeting up with some friends now that they are back from holiday.
Will be good to catch up with them and see all the cool photos they've taken.

Was nice to get out of the house last night visiting a friend. We sat in his garden with a beer and fire pit. Conversation didn't exactly flow as we were both pretty tired, but that didn't really matter, we were both happy sitting there staring at the flames, occasionally petting max as he bounded from the bench to the floor. When conversation did flow, we touched on work stuff and inevitably leading to alternative power, as we both have solar arrays, and alternative off-grid living.

I think the rest of today will be a slow, relaxed affair, probably with a few cups of tea.
I should probably do some more reading.....

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