Thursday 9 May 2019

Post bank holiday slump

Ok, so it's been a few days, not much has happened since the last post.
Saw some friends, had a few drinks and a few laughs.

I've been trying to continue with the Borderlands Pre sequel playlist.
After a couple of days I actually managed to go live on Youtube with NVIDIA Shadowplay.
I managed to get a half hour episode out of it, but it kept stopping the broadcast.
I'm not sure if it was something to do with the quality settings or the bandwidth, but I got there.

I Downloaded BOINC the other day and have been donating some CPU cycles to the openZika project
from the World community grid.
This is my link, where you can find more information.
The Linus Tech tips forum have a team setup, which is where I heard about it.
I'm currently using about 6 cores to do number crunching, keeping an eye on my power usage.

The Job boards continue to be a little dead, training positions or development.
I've registered with a temp agency doing warehouse type work, I got a call from them yesterday
about some temp-to-perm work, but that's not what I'm looking for.
I'm holding out for some contract work from a company, I've been advised they want to talk with me
and they have my details, but they haven't called yet.

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